Sim City 2016 Full Version [Simulation Games]

Sim City 2016 Full Version [Simulation Games]
"Game simulation sim city" considered a reboot of SimCity series, players can create a settlement that can grow into a city with a zoning of land for the development of commercial, industrial, or residential, as well as building and maintaining public services, transport and utilities. SimCity use a new engine called GlassBox, allowing for more detailed simulations of the game before.
Throughout its development, SimCity received critical acclaim for the new engine and the concept of the gameplay, publications warn the game use the Internet connection constantly, with the store saved games and allows players to share resources. Prior to the release, SimCity 2016 received a positive review, the launch of the game met with a negative reception as a result of extensive technical issues associated with the use of network connection required to play and save the game. These issues include network interference, problems with storing the progress and difficulties connecting to the game server. As a result, some of the reviewers can not review the game, the launch of the label as a "disaster" and the game as a "unplayably broken", urging players to avoid buying the game until the issue is resolved.
Along with many cosmetic changes (such as up - to-date 3D graphics), SimCity using new GlassBox engine. "We are trying to establish what you expect to see, and that's the game," said architect Andrew Willmott system, which means that the visual effect such as traffic, economic issues and pollution will be more obvious. Two other new features is the multiplayer game components and resources are limited. Immediately mainka this game now! you can get the game for free.
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Sim City 2016 Full Version [Simulation Games]